Israel Lobby & General (Video Archive)


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 Israel Lobby

Video Commentary


·       Jimmy Carter on ‘Hardball’: 39th U.S. president speaks candidly on his new book condemning Israeli imposed Palestinian ‘Apartheid’ (Video)

·       President Carter, Mearsheimer and WaIt and The Israel Lobby (Video)

·       Scott Ritter: Israel's influence of US policy & the Israel lobby (Video)

·       "Israel Lobby" authors Steven Walt and John Mearsheimer (Video)

·       Democracy Now: The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy(Video)

·       Israel Lobby - John Mearsheimer: Pro-Israel lobby has warped U.S. policy Pt.1 (Video)

·       Israel Lobby – John Mearsheimer: Pro-Israel lobby has warped U.S. policy Pt.2(Video)

·       GAZA January 2009: Jewish UK Lawmaker Sir Gerald Kaufman: “Israel’s Leaders Are Not Only War Criminals; They Are Fools.” (Video)

·       GAZA January 10, 2009 - George Galloway, British MP (Video)

·       George Galloway, British MP: Stop Gaza Massacre (Video)

·       Video shows proof of phosphorus bombs in Gaza (The Guardian, UK) Gaza doctors detail burns to entire victims' bodies from chemical that is forbidden to be used as a weapon

·       Two Israeli Companies Wiretap US For NSA (Video)

·       September 9, 2006: “No More Lies! What Really Motivated the 9/11 Hijackers? (Video)

·       Palestine is Still the Issue – John Pilger (Video)

·       British MP George Galloway Speaks Out On Israel, Hezbollah And ‘Zionist State Terrorism’ (Video)

·        Palestine & Lebanon: Watch the Destruction! (Video)






Video Commentary


·       Shift Happens…

·       Enabling the Political Class –or- The Power of Nightmares, The Rise of the Politics of Fear (BBC, UK, Special Six Part Series - (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6)) (Video)

·       BUSTED: The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters (Video)

·       General Wesley Clark: "We're going to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran.." Democracy Now Interview, March 2, 2007 (Video) (Full Interview Transcript)

·       DOCUMENTARY: The Doomsday Code - The apocalyptic movement that informs the religious right

·       Saddam Hussein: “Thanks for the Memories”, He Was Always Washington’s Man – Always! (Video)

·       Iraq, The Real Story – BBC Newsnight Report (Video)

·       9/11 - Selective Memory –Parody (Animation)

·       9/11 Vendetta – Past, Present & Future (Video)

·       Do not Shut-Up, Stand-Up!  (Video)

·       Classic George Carlin Rant – Trenchant and Profane - Caution,  ‘colorful’ Use of Profanity Albeit Much Truth (Spoken)





