Saturday ~ September 2, 2006


Note: Formatting, emphasis and hyperlinks are frequently added for context and perspective. ~OW





Political Commentary

Owen Whitman




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John Pilger

(ITV Video Documentary)

Washington’s Run Amuck Foreign Policy - Inviting Terrorism

and Weapons of Mass Destruction to the American Homeland






Monetary cost of the War in Iraq - thus far…








To see more details, click here.









“There is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage, than a creation of a new order of things.”


Niccolo Machiavelli

The Prince – 1513



Worsening Attacks Leave 300 Iraqis Dead Since Last Sunday


Since Sunday, more than 300 Iraqis have been killed in bombings, murders and a deadly pipeline explosion that occurred when security forces were diverted from their normal duties to fight Shiite militiamen. The violence is generally believed to be the work of insurgents, militias and criminal gangs embroiled in Sunni-Shiite sectarian strife.


By Edward Wong

New York Times



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‘Stark’ Pentagon report on rise in Iraq violence undermines Bush PR campaign


By Sheldon Alberts

CanWest News Service



WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon on Friday delivered a stark assessment of deteriorating security conditions in Iraq, describing a cesspool of sectarian violence that has skyrocketed since the formation of the country's unity government.


Warning of an "acute and disturbing" trend toward execution-style killings by Sunni and Shi'a death squads, the Pentagon reported a 51 per cent surge in the number of Iraqi civilian deaths in the last three months.


The quarterly Iraq Progress Report, mandated by Congress, said "conditions that could lead to civil war exist in Iraq" and detailed increasing pessimism among ordinary Iraqis that security will improve.


Moreover, the bombings, kidnappings and executions that have lately devastated Baghdad are again on the increase in major cities like Basra in southern Iraq, Kirkuk in the north and in outlying provinces, the Pentagon said.


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U.S. Domestic Opposition to Iraq War at All-Time High

In each of three most-recent major polls virtually two-thirds of Americans say that they oppose the war, the highest totals since pollsters starting asking Americans the ‘war question’ three years ago. Sixty-percent also say terrorism is more likely in US because of Iraq.


By Tom Regan

Christian Science Monitor



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The Mayor of Salt Lake City, State Capitol of America’s “Reddest” State, Meets Presidential Visit With A Massive Anti-Bush Rally And Unreserved Condemnation Of War




Rosa Brooks: Criticize Israel? You're an Anti-Semite!

How can we have a real discussion about Mideast peace if speaking honestly about Israel is out of bounds?


EVER WONDER what it's like to be a pariah?

Publish something sharply critical of Israeli government policies and you'll find out. If you're lucky, you'll merely discover that you've been uninvited to some dinner parties. If you're less lucky, you'll be the subject of an all-out attack by neoconservative pundits and accused of rabid anti-Semitism.

This, at least, is what happened to Ken Roth. Roth — whose father fled Nazi Germany — is executive director of Human Rights Watch, America's largest and most respected human rights organization. (Disclosure: I have worked in the past as a paid consultant for the group.) In July, after the Israeli offensive in Lebanon began, Human Rights Watch did the same thing it has done in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Bosnia, East Timor, Sierra Leone, Congo, Uganda and countless other conflict zones around the globe: It sent researchers to monitor the conflict and report on any abuses committed by either side.

It found plenty. On July 18, Human Rights Watch condemned Hezbollah rocket strikes on civilian areas within Israel, calling the strikes "serious violations of international humanitarian law and probable war crimes." So far, so good. You can't lose when you criticize a terrorist organization.

But Roth and Human Rights Watch didn't stop there. As the conflict's death toll spiraled — with most of the casualties Lebanese civilians — Human Rights Watch also criticized Israel for indiscriminate attacks on civilians. Roth noted that the Israeli military appeared to be "treating southern Lebanon as a free-fire zone," and he observed that the failure to take appropriate measures to distinguish between civilians and combatants constitutes a war crime.

The backlash was prompt. Roth and Human Rights Watch soon found themselves accused of unethical behavior, giving aid and comfort to terrorists and anti-Semitism. The conservative New York Sun attacked Roth (who is Jewish) for having a "clear pro-Hezbollah and anti-Israel bias" and accused him of engaging in "the de-legitimization of Judaism, the basis of much anti-Semitism." Neocon commentator David Horowitz called Roth a "reflexive Israel-basher … who, in his zest to pillory Israel at every turn, is little more than an ally of the barbarians." The New Republic piled on, as did Alan Dershowitz, who claimed Human Rights Watch "cooks the books" to make Israel look bad. And writing in the Jewish Exponent, Jonathan Rosenblum accused Roth of resorting to a "slur about primitive Jewish bloodlust."


By Rosa Brooks

Los Angeles Times



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OK George, “Bring It On”!

Let’s Talk Honestly About ‘Fascism’…






(Its Father’s Definition)


Fascism is an extreme right-wing ideology which embraces nationalism as the transcendent value of society. The rise of Fascism relies upon the manipulation of populist sentiment in times of national crisis. Based on fundamentalist revolutionary ideas, Fascism defines itself through intense xenophobia, militarism, and supremacist ideals. Although secular in nature, Fascism's emphasis on mythic beliefs such as divine mandates, racial imperatives, and violent struggle places highly concentrated power in the hands of a self-selected elite from whom all authority flows to lesser elites, such as law enforcement, intellectuals, and the media.


~Benito Mussolini - 1932





Islamo-Fascism or Judeo-Fascism?

..Can fascism, then, be applied to Islam? The simple answer is that it cannot. First and foremost, Islam recognizes no borders. The “state” cannot even be defined. Nor can the individual be required to supplicate himself or herself to any entity or person other than God. Islam means “submission” to God, not to some petty dictator. Islam does not force individuals to convert to its beliefs. And Islam does not condone the murder of innocents for any reason, including for the good of the “state.”

However, upon closer analysis, President Bush would have discovered that there exists in the world today one state where fascist elements combine with religious fervor to dictate state policies: Israel. First, Israel is a self-declared Jewish state. The acceptance of its existence and its Jewish identity is of paramount importance in Israeli society. Non-Jews who live in Israel can never hope to be full-fledged citizens because they are not Jewish. National identity cards define not only citizenship but also nationality, of which there are three: Jewish, Arab, and Druze. In a slap at its indigenous (pre-1967 borders) Arab population (one million strong), the Jewish state denies citizenship to the spouses of Israeli citizens who marry Arab residents of the West Bank or Gaza. Citizenship also will be denied to their offspring. And only those political parties which accept the “Zionist” character of the state may present candidates for the Israeli Parliament. This forecloses representation of a large percentage of the indigenous Arabs.

Moreover, fascism has deep historical roots in Israel’s formation and in certain of the political parties presently represented in its Parliament, the Knesset. Israel’s National Union Party is an admixture of the Molodet and Tkuma parties, which were progeny of the 1940s Herut, Zeev Jabotinsky’s political party that took its cues from fascism. Likewise, in 1940 Avraham Stern, inspired by Jabotinsky, formed the Irgun Zvai Leumi-be-Yisrael (Lehi) terror group dedicated to killing anyone standing in the way of a homeland for Jews. Lehi even offered to team up with the Nazis during World War II in return for support for a new Jewish state to be administered along fascist lines.

Perhaps Albert Einstein and some other concerned Jewish leaders said it best in 1948 when they wrote a letter to the New York Times commenting upon the formation of the “Freedom Party” in Israel. The described the party as “closely akin . . . to the Nazi and fascist parties.” The party had been formed from the Irgun, described in the letter as a “right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine.” Menachem Begin (a future prime minister of Israel) was the party leader.

Today, the National Union and its soul mate, Yisrael Beytenu, advocate the forced removal of Palestinian Arabs from Israel proper, from the Gaza Strip, and from the occupied West Bank. Following the classic modus operandi of lebensraum, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank would be annexed to form Greater Israel, which would then be populated by waves of Jewish settlers. To these contemporary Israeli political parties, the sanctity of the State of Israel, the merit of blood sacrifice for its benefit, and the use of military might in its expansion find Biblical justification in Exodus 17:14 and Numbers 14:45.

On a more practical level, since 1967 Israel’s military and security forces have inflicted on the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank collective punishment, torture, destruction of economic infrastructure, and extrajudicial killings. Such actions are not unlike those practiced by the Nazi occupiers of 1940s Europe.

Obviously, then, unlike “Islamo-fascism,” the term “Judeo-fascism” has both historical and practical currency. However, the use of the term usually raises the hackles of a myriad of Jewish organizations because as Holocaust victims and survivors, Jews are not supposed to mimic the behavior of their own tormentors. Yet that is precisely what they have done in the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank. Thirty-nine years of occupation have brutalized the occupiers and the occupied.

Yet, peace demands that the use of the term “Judeo-fascism” be minimized because of the inflammatory effect it has on any discussion of the fundamental issues that divide today’s Semitic peoples. The same is true of ersatz terms like “Islamo-fascism.” It is time for dialogue, not sound bites. Only in that way can both peoples revisit another Golden Age of mutual respect and accomplishment. In helping to achieve this task, President Bush has to learn to be a leader, not a follower.

By Randall B (Nadeem) Hamud, Esq.

Arab News



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— Randall B. (Nadeem) Hamud is an attorney at law based in San Diego, CA.E-mail




An extraordinarily prescient TV interview with General Norman Schwarzkopf and Robert Gates - Deputy National Security Advisor to George Bush Sr.


Why Invading Iraq Was

A Very Stupid Idea…



(Click on blinking dot above for video)





And so it goes.


Your Pal,