Tampa Rail Buffs And "Hysterical Preservationists" Pillage Taxpayers In The Name Of Bankrupt Amtrak -- Spend $3,900,000+ For Taxpayer Financed  Restoration of  Tampa's Moribund Union Station. 

(updated 11.19.99)
(updated: 4.30.01)
Political Commentary by: Owen S. Whitman

The nearly complete(?) restoration of a local anachronism, Tampa's Union Station, provides a case study of how a small, but politically influential  group of  "limited agenda" civic activists can manipulate the political bureaucracy to pillage unsuspecting Taxpayers and gratify their own personal fetishes. Under the present leadership of a local "....commercial real estate salesman..."  Tampa's Union Station restoration is the culmination of a 10 year campaign by a fevered, hubris ridden alliance of political opportunists, passenger rail proponents, history buffs and "hysterical" preservationist -- founders of  Tampa Union Station Preservation and Redevelopment Inc.

Thus far, more than two-thirds of the nearly $3,900,000 dollars spent on the  Union Station restoration have come from state and federal transportation grants; all provided by taxpayers and the "driving" public via automobile related "fees" and gas taxes intended for construction and maintenance of highway infrastructure. Stranger yet, Florida's supposed  "highway and bridge specialists...," the Department of Transportation, is overseeing the Union Station renovations!

Chronology of a Taxpayer rip-off